Future CFO 06 – Engage With The Top Table

Kevin Appleby · October 3, 2020

Module 6: Engage with the top table

Welcome to module six of your “Future CFO” training programme, which is the final module within the “C-Suite” section of this training programme.  This module is designed to help you to engage with the top table in order to take you through the journey from being a respected finance leader to becoming a trusted board member.

During this module, participants will:

  1. Understand what your CEO and Board really want from their CFO;
  2. Learn how to manage these critical relationships; and
  3. Master the challenges of stepping up to support your CEO and Board.


By the end of this module, you will have built up a strong awareness of the key challenges when stepping up into the CFO role for the first time.  You will have started to evaluate your own skills and experience against the requirements of a trusted board members, as well as identifying some of your key learning and development needs within each area.  You will then be well-placed win your dream job and develop into an impactful CFO during modules seven, eight and nine within the “Owning the top job” section of this training programme.

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Module Includes

  • 1 Topic
  • 10 Lessons