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Fundraising Simulator
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Foreword2 Lessons
Business introduction2 Lessons
Business strategy4 Lessons
Required funding4 Lessons
Pitch to investors3 Lessons
Scrutinize offers3 Lessons
Select your preferred offer3 Lessons
Lead the deal process5 Lessons
Conclude the deal3 Lessons
Key learning points2 Lessons
Insights from your GrowCFO community3 Lessons
Closing thoughts1 Lesson
Your deal certificate1 Lesson|1 Quiz
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Topic Progress
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During this video, experienced finance leader and deal specialist Nick Ellwood shares top tips regarding a Series B fundraise.
Note that most of these points apply to all fundraises throughout your life cycle.
Finance leaders should perform the following activities to help maximise your chances of delivering a smooth deal process:
- Start planning 12 months in advance of an anticipated deal;
- It will take at least 3-6 months to properly prepare;
- Ensure that your team can cover business as usual;
- Control the flow of information in order to control the deal process;
- Provide high quality information throughout;
- Build a flexible financial model which can survive rapid interrogation;
- Involve the most experienced stakeholders within your business;
- Prepare thorough analysis to show that you are in control;
- Manage expectations for anything that is not currently available;
- Ensure that your information fully supports your investment story;
- Check that your budgets are achievable to avoid any shortfalls during a live process; and
- Create a detailed plan for how to layout and populate your data room.
In summary, early planning can make a huge impact on your deal process and it is important to surround yourself with people who have relevant experience wherever possible.