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Fundraising Simulator

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Topic 9, Lesson 3
In Progress

⇧ It’s time to celebrate!

Dan Wells October 26, 2021
Topic Progress
0% Complete

Many congratulations on completing your first deal process!

This represents a huge milestone within your career and has provided your company with a fantastic source of funding to deliver your strategic plans.

Your Board of Directors are delighted with your efforts and fully recognize the key role that everybody has played throughout this challenging process.

They have allocated you a generous budget to organize a much-deserved celebration and your final task is to organize this.

⇧ Action Required

Take a few moments to think about how you would like to celebrate and who you should invite along.

For example:

  • Your management team
  • Your existing shareholders
  • Your new investors
  • Your finance team
  • Your advisors
  • Anybody else who has supported you throughout this deal

What will be the format of your celebration and where will you go?

Upload your email to the team below.