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Fundraising Simulator

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Topic 9, Lesson 1
In Progress

Finalise the deal

Dan Wells October 26, 2021
Topic Progress
0% Complete

Great news – your lawyers have just confirmed that all parties have now signed the legal documents and that your funds will be available shortly. Well done!

Hands of success startup business teamwork.

You are probably feeling absolutely delighted due to the hugely positive impact that this will have on your company and personal career. You are also likely to be full of relief, given the stress involved and the range of circumstances that can often lead to a deal collapsing last minute.

Hopefully you can find a bit of time to relax and recover from such a challenging process. For example, taking some time off or finding other opportunities to reduce your working hours.

Deal processes can be very challenging and it is important to allocate time towards properly recovering from them.

Well done again for completing this fundraise and there are just a few remaining matters to address in order to finalize everything.